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Divorcing a narcissist

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2022 | Divorce |

Going through a divorce in Illinois is often an emotionally and financially challenging experience. If you were married to a narcissist, the experience is even more difficult, sometimes traumatic. To successfully come out of your marriage with what you deserve, here are some tips you could use.

Why is it difficult to divorce a narcissist?

Divorce goes rather easily when couples can negotiate and decide on property division, custody, and other important matters. Narcissistic people don’t care about what’s best for you or other people; they are in it for themselves. Their main concern is winning.

By only thinking about themselves, narcissists have mastered the art of manipulating people to get what they want. They can turn your friends, family, or kids against you or drag the divorce process for so long until you give up and take behind them. If you are not careful, you can end up with a bad settlement or may not divorce at all.

Tips for divorcing a narcissist

Don’t let them take advantage of you. Narcissists love to bait their spouses into arguments or fights that can make them look bad in court. Even though Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, the fault might come into play when the judge is deciding on child custody and visitation. So be ready when they make claims of unfit parenting.

Don’t take advice from other people. Narcissists know how to look good in front of other people. Only you know how bad and manipulative they can be. Hence, when your family or friend tries to reassure you that your ex-spouse can’t be that bad or they will do what’s right for the kids, know that they mean well but don’t discuss the details of your divorce with them.

Protect your children. Narcissists can go as far as using their own children as pawns to win in a divorce. Your kids may not be aware of this or their behavior. You have to protect and put their best interest first when settling on custody and child support.