Child custody orders or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities established by the courts are important documents. Parents can refer to the order established when they divorce or separate to determine how much time they can spend with their children and...
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Libertyville Family Law Blog
Why does divorce sometimes follow becoming empty nesters?
When children move out of the house, parents are often referred to as empty nesters. They may have spent the last 25 or 30 years raising their children to adulthood. But those children have now left to get married, go to college, start careers and much more. What...
Adjusting to co-parenting a college student
Sending a child off to college is a highly anxious, emotional time for just about all parents. If you and your co-parent are recently separated or divorced, however, it can be a particularly stressful change in the family dynamic. Your child has likely aged out of...
What spousal support options are available in Illinois?
Spousal maintenance, or alimony, provides necessary financial support to a spouse after a divorce. An alimony award can fill the gap in financial resources a divorce can cause. In Illinois, the court can grant several different forms of alimony. They each serve...
Can the love of money ruin a marriage?
Money is one of the most frequent issues in any marriage. A spouse’s admiration for money could also lead to marital strain. If couples do not work out their issues about money, then it could lead to divorce. Here are a few examples of how a spouse’s focus on money...
Who should keep the house in an Illinois divorce?
Property division concerns can complicate even an amicable divorce. Spouses may find themselves disagreeing about the best way to share their marital property. The home where they live could very easily become a priority for both spouses during divorce negotiations....
What decisions do you and your co-parent need to consider?
What you want for your child is important. If you have joint custody of your child, you will likely need to discuss with your co-parent to meet your wishes for your child. There are a few topics you may need to discuss with your co-parent. Here is what you should...
When can you file a “pendente lite” motion during divorce?
The divorce process brings about a considerable shift in existing living arrangements and standards. Sometimes, one spouse may need to secure temporary support from the other pending the finalization of the process. This type of motion pending the final ruling is also...
Common threats that keep too many people in unhappy marriages
Too often, spouses stay in unhappy or even abusive and toxic marriages because they fear they’ll lose everything in a divorce – sometimes including their children. This most often happens when the spouse who doesn’t want the divorce has more money, power and influence...
Criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling and divorce
You always thought that your marriage would last forever – but something has changed. You can feel the difference in your relationship with your spouse, and the gap between you seems to be growing bigger. Is your marriage really over, or is there still a point in...