There are several issues people may need to address as they prepare to handle financial negotiations related to divorce. Creating an inventory of marital assets and debts is often one of the first steps. Spouses have to disclose everything they own jointly and also...
Honesty. Integrity. Finality.
Can the love of money ruin a marriage?
Money is one of the most frequent issues in any marriage. A spouse’s admiration for money could also lead to marital strain. If couples do not work out their issues about money, then it could lead to divorce. Here are a few examples of how a spouse’s focus on money...
Who should keep the house in an Illinois divorce?
Property division concerns can complicate even an amicable divorce. Spouses may find themselves disagreeing about the best way to share their marital property. The home where they live could very easily become a priority for both spouses during divorce negotiations....
What is divorce mediation?
The process of going through a divorce is emotionally draining and time-consuming. It can impact every area of your life. While courts do their best to provide the public with their services, courtrooms are often understaffed and overwhelmed with the number of cases...
Understanding the divorce process in Illinois
Before you begin the divorce process, you should understand the steps you will need to take. While a divorce can take anywhere from a few months to years, depending on each couple’s situation and how contentious the process gets, there are general steps involved in...
Reasons to consider refinancing your home after divorce
Going through a divorce in Illinois can be stressful, but figuring out what to do with your home doesn't have to be. If you share a home mortgage with your soon-to-be ex, you have a few different options. Options for your home mortgage Selling your property and...
Splitting Illinois businesses in divorce
There’s nothing more wholesome than an Illinois, family-owned business. However, splitting that family business during a divorce can be painful. During a divorce, the business is valued and if the divorcing couple can’t agree on how to split it, the judge could order...
Financial mistakes to avoid during a divorce
Getting divorced in the state of Illinois can be a complex and confusing process. There is a great deal to think about at a time when your emotions may be running high. You will need to do all that you can to stay level-headed. This is all the more true when you...
Starting divorce proceedings in Illinois
A spouse may come to the regrettable realization a marriage is not working. Filing for divorce in an Illinois family court might be the best decision for all parties involved. Divorce is a legal process that requires following established formal steps. Knowing the...
Why do some people marry for the wrong reasons?
Getting married can seem like the happiest day of your life. While it might seem like a great idea at the time, a lot of people in Illinois get married for the wrong reasons. Whether you're on your second marriage or your fourth, your marriage might be destined for...