Divorcing parents are often faced with difficult decisions about child custody. Child custody decides what rights parents have to raise their children, and is split into both "physical" and "legal" custody. Physical custody is the amount of time children spend with...
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Child Custody
Relocation and parenting time: what you need to know
When parents finally settle in divorce, the next chapter of life often involves new beginnings, including relocation. But what happens when you want to move with your child? The answer lies in understanding Illinois law and the procedures that come with it. Can you...
Telling your child’s school about your divorce
If your divorce involves a school-going kid(s), it may affect their school life in different ways. For starters, their performance may plummet, as their emotions may negatively impact their concentration. Additionally, they may experience behavior changes, such as...
3 reasons a formal modification of parenting rights can be helpful
Child custody orders or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities established by the courts are important documents. Parents can refer to the order established when they divorce or separate to determine how much time they can spend with their children and...
Adjusting to co-parenting a college student
Sending a child off to college is a highly anxious, emotional time for just about all parents. If you and your co-parent are recently separated or divorced, however, it can be a particularly stressful change in the family dynamic. Your child has likely aged out of...
What decisions do you and your co-parent need to consider?
What you want for your child is important. If you have joint custody of your child, you will likely need to discuss with your co-parent to meet your wishes for your child. There are a few topics you may need to discuss with your co-parent. Here is what you should...
Do I have to share custody with my child’s other parent?
Did disagreements, conflict or different values between you and your spouse lead to a divorce? If you are a parent, then one of the considerations you may need to make is child custody. However, you may not want to share custody with your child's other parent. You can...
When might a child custody arrangement need to be altered?
A child custody arrangement determines how much time each parent spends with their children. This includes each parent’s responsibilities, such as picking their child up from school, making and attending doctor’s appointments for their children and buying their...
Is your parenting plan still working?
As a loving parent, you want what is best for your child. That does not change when you divorce. The problem that many divorced parents find is that what they think is best for their child is not always what their co-parent thinks is best. While divorce may have freed...
How keeping a calendar can help in a custody distpute
If you and your child’s other parent are in a custody dispute, your old calendar can come in handy. An old calendar can not only remind you of all the important events in your family life, but it can also be useful in finding the evidence you need to resolve various...