While many couples in Illinois who choose to get a divorce experience financial strain, couples who divorce late in life must pay attention to specific financial concerns. If you choose a late-in-life divorce, you need to take steps to protect your assets. Real estate...
Honesty. Integrity. Finality.
Working together towards co-parenting success
Even after a divorce, children need to feel that their Illinois parents are both committed to them as a family. Remembering this and presenting this united front when it comes to important decisions and household rules and routines can show the children your...
How divorce can disrupt a business
About half of American marriages end in divorce. People in Illinois may understand how disruptive a divorce can be for someone's personal life as divorce can mean moving, letting go of assets and even seeing children less frequently. What many people don't understand...
What becomes of a mortgage in divorce?
For Illinois couples, divorce is not simple when it comes to the mortgage on the family home. Spouses have a number of different options that they can pursue depending on who ends up keeping the home. The other spouse needs to take steps to protect themselves. Which...
Your business and your marriage
If you're a business owner in Illinois with a fiancé, the protection of your business might have popped up into your mind at least once during your time with your soon-to-be spouse. It's sensible to worry about the future of your own finances and the life of...
How Illinois courts determine alimony support
When a marriage ends and one spouse does not have the financial means to maintain his or her established lifestyle, alimony comes into play. Alimony could go to an ex-spouse who was formerly dependent upon the other for financial support during the marriage. When the...
Should you hire a financial planner during your divorce?
When filing for divorce in Illinois, hiring a financial planner might be the last thing on a person's mind, but divorce involves dividing and taking stock of one's financial assets. With a financial planner, an individual might be better able to plan a budget, figure...
Divorce settlements vs. trials
Most of the time, people in Illinois and throughout the country want their divorces to stay amicable. They figure they loved that person at one time, so there's no point in being harsh now; they should just make a clean break and move on. But sometimes, a couple just...
Parenting strategies to help children during divorce
When parents in Illinois divorce, one of the main concerns is usually how the children will be impacted by the changes. A major goal for parents is to protect their children’s emotional well-being while they experience not only the end of their parent’s...
How to have a healthy coparenting relationship
Newly separated parents in Illinois may be struggling to find a joint child custody schedule that works for everyone. Though it may be a challenge, parents should create – and try to stick to – a set schedule, but they should also be accommodating of each...